About us

Aging well in Montréal

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The ENHARMONIE network offers 11 residences for independent seniors in Montreal. 

Our 1,452 quality apartments are offered at an affordable price.


Who owns the ENHARMONIE residences?

The ENHARMONIE residences belong to the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal (OMHM). This non-profit organization has 50 years of experience in managing housing on the Island of Montreal.

Who are the employees working at ENHARMONIE residences?

Chefs, superintendents, managers...Each of the 100 employees was chosen because they like and respect seniors. Empathy is a must for getting hired. This is one of the reasons why 95% of residents are happy with having chosen an ENHARMONIE residence.

Why is the rent price–quality ratio so good?

We are a non-profit organization. Every dollar from your rent is reinvested into things that residents actually benefit from: apartments, common areas, food, services, activities and the list goes on. In an ENHARMONIE residence, you will not find a pool or other luxury (and expensive) facilities that few people use.  

The residences were built under the Logement abordable Québec program or the AccèsLogis program and their construction was partially subsidized. Rents are used to pay first and foremost for services, not a huge mortgage.

Are the residences certified?

The ten ENHARMONIE residences have their certificate of compliance from the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Our latest residence, Résidence Des Ateliers, is currently in the process of being certified. This certificate guarantees that each residence meets the 35 very strict quality criteria. The government inspects each residence regularly to check these 35 criteria.

More news about us

Marie-Josée Gendron wins the Prix Dirigeant 2024 from the RQRA

Marie-Josée Gendron wins leadership award from the RQRA

October 29, 2024 - The Regroupement québécois des résidences pour aînés awards its Prix Ambassadeur - Dirigeant each year “to a manager or director of a residence who stands out on a daily basis with residents and employees. The recipient has distinguished herself by her leadership, exemplary attitude and commitment towards residents' families.”

Marie-Josée Gendron has been the director of the ENHARMONIE network since 2014. This industry recognition is a source of pride for our 11 residences! To find out more, read on here.


La présidente du CCR ENHARMONIE, Estelle Laliberté

The CCR ENHARMONIE celebrates its 10th anniversary

May 29, 2024 - The CCR ENHARMONIE (Advisory Committee of Residents) is a consultative body that has been actively involved in the management of ENHARMONIE residences since 2014. Residents elect 2 representatives per residence to represent them on this committee. Its mission is to make representations to the OMHM Board of Directors on any issue of common interest concerning building maintenance, service quality, budget choices and major works. On May 23, some 50 residents and stakeholders of CCR ENHARMONIE celebrated the successes of the past 10 years at a cocktail party at the Résidence Des Ateliers.

Photo: Estelle Laliberté, President of CCR ENHARMONIE, gave an overview of the committee's history and achievements.

Lunch at Résidence Piero-Corti

Welcome to our Open House on February 25, 2024

January 22, 2024 - Our next Open House will take place on February 25, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Our staff will be happy to show you around and answer your questions! This is a great way to get a better feeling for the lifestyle that you could have while living in an ENHARMONIE residence. For further details, please visit this page

balcons, Résidence Des Ateliers

Our new television ad is on the air

January 9, 2023 - Today is the start of our new television ad campaign on TVA and Radio-Canada. All footage has been shot on location in our residences and for the first time, images from our latest addition, Résidence Des Ateliers in Rosemont, can be seen.

Our recreation team wins the RQRA Employee Award 2021

Our recreation team wins the RQRA Ambassador Award 2021

December 1, 2021 - Our recreation team received the Ambassador 2021 Award from the Regroupement québécois des résidences pour aînés for its exceptional commitment to the well-being of residents during the pandemic. The team quickly trained residents to participate in activities offered on Zoom. Their goal: to combat isolation and encourage physical activity and socialization while respecting the health measures in place. Congrats for this important recognition! 


Mémoire, ma maison

Our residents' book of poetry arrives in bookstores

October 27, 2021 - The poetry book Mémoire, ma maison from Éditions de la Bagnole is now available in all bookstores in Québec. It brings together 20 poems written by our residents during a series of workshops given by author Simon Boulerice and 16 protraits painted by illustrator Rogé. These workshops were offered exclusively to residents of the ENHARMONIE residences in 2019. A long-term project that fills all participants with pride! 

As a safety measure, our staff makes sure that residents are present for lunch.

Can you feel safe in a seniors residence?

February 24, 2020 - After each high-profile incident, the issue of safety in retirement homes returns to the news. We have portrayed several security measures put in place in certified residences (such as our ENHARMONIE residences) in this text published in Le Bel Age magazine (in French). Now, that's reassuring!

The 11the ENHARMONIE residence in Rosemont

Construction is under way for the 11th ENHARMONIE residence

November 15, 2019 - The construction site for our 11th ENHARMONIE residence has been inaugurated today during a press conference with several elected officials. This new residence with 193 apartments with services for seniors will be located directly on top of the Rosemont metro station. For further information on this major project, consult the OMHM website (in French). To know more about the apartments, click here

Deux participantes à la clinique techno à la Résidence Alfredo-Gagliardi

The digital clinic improves residents' know-how

September 4, 2019 - The digital clinic is a workshop where residents are encouraged to explore their digital devices in order to get to know them better and use them more efficiently. Together, participants find answers to questions, increase their level of confidence and learn from each other. This strategy leads to personalized learning in a relaxed setting and to the empowerment of the residents, who can use their cellphone or tablet without having to rely on the help of family or friends. To see the video shot at Résidence Alfredo-Gagliardi, click here

Simon Boulerice with a resident during a poetry workshop at Résidence Piero-Corti

A poetry collection in the making

April 9, 2019 - Author and playwright Simon Boulerice has written a moving memoir about his childhood memories, and about the childhood memories of several residents of ENHARMONIE residences who participated in a series of poetry workshops under his guidance. The resulting works of poetry will be published later in 2019. This activity, offered among many other recrational activities on our calendar, will have a special place in the hearts of all those who had the chance to work with Simon. To read the memoir published in La Presse (in French), click here

Un OBNL parmi les grands

A non-profit among the big names: a portrait in business magazine Les Affaires 

April 6, 2019 - The business magazine Les Affaires publishes a series of articles on seniors residences and features the ENHARMONIE residences among the 10 most important owners-managers of private seniors residences in Québec. To read the article (in French) and access all other articles of the series, click here. To see the listing, click here.  

Publicité Bien vieillir

A TV ad features our residents in action

January 14, 2019 - Up until the end of February, a TV ad shows our residents and buildings on the French channel TVA. The video is an invitation to discover the ENHARMONIE residences and to visit them during our Open House on February 24, 2019. To watch the ad, click here


The ENHARMONIE residences inaugurate their very own bus

November 30, 2018 - The idea to own a bus in order to increase residents' mobility was launched by the Tenants Adivsory Committee. After extensive research, this project came to life in 2018. The bus, with its beautiful design, offers 24 places and will take residents to a variety of recreational destinations in and around Montreal. This service is free of charge for our residents. (read more, in French)

Sign language class at Résidence Saint-Eugène

Innovative sign language class at Résidence Saint-Eugène makes the news

October 21, 2018 - Several residents at Résidence Saint-Eugène are deaf. They communicate with each other with ligtening speed, using sign language learned in school at an early age. This spring, a group of residents decided they wanted to be able to better communicate with their deaf neighbours by learning their language. It's quite a challenge to practice and memorize the gesticulations and hand movements, but they are making steady progress thanks to Jacinthe Messier, our recreation coordinator, who coaches them step by step.  

Watch the news report by Anne-Louise Despatie on the Radio-Canada website (short version) or on their Facebook page (long version). 

The recreation team of résidences Enharmonie

The Enharmonie residences win an excellence award for their recreational program

October 24, 2017 - The Enharmonie network is proud to be the recipient of the 2017 Excellence Award from the Fédération québécoise du loisir en institution (FQLI) in the “Recreation and Quality of Life” category. For the past 33 years, the FQLI, a provincial organisation promoting excellence in recreational activities for health and other institutions, has rewarded institutions “which are particularly considerate of the development of their clients’ well-being”.

The Enharmonie network received the award for the implementation and development of its recreational services since 2013. The recreation team is now composed of five community recreation professionals for its 10 residences, supported by numerous volunteers. 


The Enharmonie network receives the RQRA Distinction Award 2016

The Enharmonie network receives the RQRA Distinction Award 2016

November 29, 2016 - The Enharmonie network is the proud recipient of the 2016 Distinction Award from the Regroupement québécois des résidences pour aînés (RQRA), an award that marks the outstanding contribution made by a seniors’ residence to improving the quality of life of its residents. This is the fourth year that the Distinction Award has been awarded by the RQRA, a non-profit organization with more than 700 members in Quebec. On the photo, Marie-Josée Gendron, Director of the Enharmonie residences, is accompanied by host Marc-André Coallier (left) and Yves Desjardins, CEO of RQRA.